Welcome back to TIMIȘOARA!
Between the 9th and 10th of July Triplex Confinium project partners met in Timisoara for their final transnational project meeting.
This past weekend, project partners from Romania, Serbia and Hungary, met for their closing transnational project meeting. During our two days of workshop, partners reviewed the three outputs: O1 Teaching Modules, O2, Curriculum for a Common Master, O3 Final book and digital publication. Review teams were designated for each of these outputs. Local hosts were happy to present the final book in its finished printed format.
Partners also worked on several project management issues, relating to expenditures, outputs, as well as organization of final reports.
But not all was work. On Saturday local hosts invited guest partners for a tour of the Fabric neighborhood, a future hotbed for the European Culture Capital Program. Gins and local craft beer were tested in Traian Square. Partners later visited the Jakab Toffler Garden where students from FAUT together with their tutors and local community organized a party to celebrate the end of their first week of summer school. The night continued with a stroll along the BEGA river that ended on the BARJA boat, the epicenter for one of the most interesting cultural projects linking Timisoara to Serbia along the navigable canal.
Encouraged by more gin tonics, visons of an utopian Banat, linked by water ways, were exchanged between the Romanian, Serbian and Hungarian team members.
We left with high hopes, looking forward to our future exhibitions in Venice, Jimbolia.

text. Cristian Blidariu