Tackling gaps and mismatches in the field of higher education for architecture and urban planning while exploring and addressing discontinuities along the national borders in-between Romania, Hungary and Serbia

The creation of these resources has been (partially) funded by the ERASMUS+ grant program of the European Union under grant no. 2019-1-RO01-KA203-063881. Neither the European Commission nor the project’s national funding agency ANPCDEFP are responsible for the content or liable for any losses or damage resulting of the use of these resources.



Assistant Professor

Hello. This is my story.

Ivana Bajšanski received her Ph.D. degree from the Department of Architecture, Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad. She has experience as Teaching Assistant and Assistant Professor at Department of Architecture in the previous nine years. Her field of research is focused on the performance-based design in architecture and urban planning. She is highly experienced in 3D and parametric modelling, visual programming, solar as well as CFD simulations. As a member of Serbian Society for Geometry and Graphics, Association of Novi Sad Architects as well as Digital Design Center, she has experience in many research interdisciplinary projects. She is an author and co- author of many scientific publications, such as articles in international journals and conference proceedings.

My education

University of Novi Sad,Faculty of Technical Sciences

Bachelor in Architecture (October 2005-December 2009)

University of Novi Sad,Faculty of Technical Sciences

Master in Architecture (October 2009-June 2010)

University of Novi Sad,Faculty of Technical Sciences

PhD (October 2010-August 2016)

My experience

University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences

Teaching assistant (February 2010-March 2017)

University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences

Assistant professor (March 2017 to present)
