Assistant Professor
Hello. This is my story.
Irina Tulbure is an assistant professor at the Department of History & Theory of Architecture and Heritage Conservation of Ion Mincu University of Architecture and Urbanism, Bucharest. Her main field of interests and research is on 20 th century Romanian and Eastern European Architecture (history and heritage approach). Beside her teaching activity (seminaries and lectures), Irina has been involved in several research programs and editorial projects. Her main publication is „Arhitectură și Urbanism în România anilor 1944-1960. Constrângere și Experiment” / ”Architecture and Urban Planning in Romania between 1944-1960. Constraint and Experiment” (2016), a book based on her PhD. thesis. Currently she is involved in the Zeppelin editorial project „Istoria Acum” / ”History Now”, that aims to create a collection of case studies of 20 th century Romanian Architecture based on contemporary research instruments (primary sources, oral history, critical approach, etc.).
My education
Ion Mincu University of Architecture and Urbanism
PhD, Doctor in Architecture, 2011
New Europe College Fellow
Ion Mincu University of Architecture and Urbanism
Master in Conservation and Rehabilitation of Built Heritage, 2007
Ion Mincu University of Architecture and Urbanism
Bachelor in Architecture (equivalent), 2004
My experience
Ion Mincu University of Architecture and Urbanism
since 2005
Independent research and practice
since 2005