Jimbolia’s Swimming Pools (VIDEO)
The sixth episode from our Think Brick series is about the Jimbolia's Swimming Pools.
The Futok Workers Colony (VIDEO)
The fourth episode from our Think Brick series is about the Futok Workers Colony.
The Railway and the Industrial Area (VIDEO)
In the third episode from our Think Brick series, we will find out more about the railway and the industrial area of Jimbolia.
The Quarry Lakes (VIDEO)
The second episode in our Think Brick series is dedicated to Jimbolia's lakes- the site for our competition.
JIMBOLIA and the Brick Tradition (VIDEO)
The first episode in our Think Brick series is dedicated to Jimbolia's brick making industrial tradition.
We are glad to announce that the world's largest producer of brick and ceramic tiles, Wienerberger AG, has agreed to support our program by granting the necessary funding for the competition awards.