Triplex Confinium project managers, architects Cristian Blidariu and Oana Simionescu were invited by Jimbolia’s Cultural House manager Sergiu Petru Dema for an on-line talk about architecture, the academic partnership, the spatial design of the euro-region and what this transnational collaborations hopes to achieve on the long term for both architecture schools involved as well as for the local community of each partner country.
During the one hour interview the several topics were addressed: from a much needed for the audience general framing that sought to establish what architecture is and what are its social missions, to more specific encounters detailing the purpose of the partnership, its objectives related to the border territory and impact on local community to short forays into the interests and side project of the two main protagonists.
You can follow the discussion here:
Despre arhitectură în uroregiune cu profesorii arhitecți Cristian Bidariu și Oana Simionescu
Cum (ne) privim arhitectura și care sunt elementele de care ar trebui să ținem cont atunci când ne referim la aceasta ca fiind o moștenire culturală sunt două dintre întrebările la care vom răspunde alături de Oana Simionescu și Cristian Blidariu.
Gepostet von Casa de Cultură a Orașului Jimbolia am Montag, 29. Juni 2020