We are glad to announce and support the newly launched PACE initiative.
PACE’s mission is to build the best available collection of communal architecture from the East-Central European region to represent and promote high-quality public buildings and realised communal architecture projects and to advance knowledge about our built environment.
PACE – Public Architecture in East-Central Europe – is an initiative of the Department of Public Building Design at the Faculty of Architecture of Budapest University of Technology and Economics.
PACE is dedicated to becoming a new platform of architectural networking inside and outside the region and a reference point for architects, architecture students, and the wider public. Besides the collection, in the future we will launch a new architecture prize and organize professional events under the umbrella of PACE. To be a candidate for selection, a building or project has to be of outstanding quality and has to serve a community purpose. It must also be a completed project, realised in the past five years (2014-2019). Works are sourced and selected in 3 categories on a yearly basis from each country, based on the recommendations of the local PACE associate.
Levente Szabó DLA, one of the four initiators of PACE, also representing the Department of Public Building Design, BME in Triplex Confinium:
“Is there a common language, a recognized character in the architecture of Eastern Central Europe? This is under the view of the new project of the public building design department, memory, sustainability and innovation”.
This is a very relevant question in today’s context that we will also be exploring within our Triplex Confinium summer schools and research modules. By looking into the underlying principles that define our common histories and built environment, questions regarding memory, sustainability and innovation will also be addressed.
You can follow PACE here: https://paceproject.eu/
text: PACE/ Cristian Blidariu
image: Mokrin House, Serbia, by AUTORI,- retrieved from PACE platform