Assistant Lecturer
O1.M1.03. Transformation and growth within the strict confines of the grid: economy, infrastructure and society – Case study: the urban development of Jimbolia throughout the 19th & 20th centuries
Ștefana BĂDESCUThe aim of this class is to facilitate the objective underst
O1.M1.02. The power of the grid: subordination and regularization in colonial territorial planning – Case study: the historical region of Banat under the Habsburg rule
Ștefana BĂDESCUThe aim of this class is to facilitate the objective underst
Hello. This is my story.
Ștefana Bădescu is an architect, assistant lecturer and researcher at the Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Timișoara. Having graduated in 2012 with a degree in Architecture, she went on to study Urban Planning at a master’s level. She also developed a PhD Thesis about collective housing, which she defended in November 2017. As an architect, she runs her own design studio and collaborated with several local architecture firms for the development and regeneration of large urban ensembles. Having started teaching at the faculty immediately after graduation, she now holds the position of assistant lecturer. Her area of expertise includes several subjects, in the field of Urban History, Urban Theory and Urban Planning. Finally, as a member of the faculty’s Research Center, she is involved in a series of research projects, showing a particular interest in issues regarding regional cooperation and community involvement in order to preserve and promote local heritage and values.
My education
Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism Timișoara
2006-2012 Architecture Integrated studies
Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism Timișoara
2012-2014 Master in Urban and Territorial Planning
Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism Timișoara
2012-2017 PhD in Architecture
My experience
2020-2022 DANUrB+ Interreg Danube Transnational Programme
2020 Rehabilitation of „Studio” Cinema, Timișoara / Atelier 21
2017 High-rise collective housing building, ISHO Timișoara / Atelier 21
2016 Opportunity study for Zonal Urban Plan ILSA - ISHO, Timișoara / Andreescu & Gaivoronschi
2014 Feasibility study and concept for mixed-use development for Iulius Town, Timișoara / BIA Radu Mihăilescu
2013 Consolidation, conservation and re-functionalization of the Fabric Synagogue, Timișoara / ARCHAEUS
2013 FORCOPAR 2 Leonardo da Vinci Transfert de l'innovation