Tackling gaps and mismatches in the field of higher education for architecture and urban planning while exploring and addressing discontinuities along the national borders in-between Romania, Hungary and Serbia

The creation of these resources has been (partially) funded by the ERASMUS+ grant program of the European Union under grant no. 2019-1-RO01-KA203-063881. Neither the European Commission nor the project’s national funding agency ANPCDEFP are responsible for the content or liable for any losses or damage resulting of the use of these resources.


Faber Community hosted our final Multiplier event during which The Think Brick! competition was exhibited for the first time in Timisoara. Together with our invited guests, we debated the competition format and its future in the context of euro-regional developement programs.

Exhibiting architecture has been a practice used by architects since the beginning of modernity. Lately, it can be considered not only an occasion for displaying end products and bold ideas, but also an appropriate environment and a creative process that allows exploration and learning, questioning, debating within the presence of different levels of encounters between the professionals and the public. The

The project proposes a brick line that connects Balta Szeles and Balta Herișanu at the heart of the quarry lakes in Jimbolia. This is a discreet, theoretically minded and historically reflexive intervention into a fragile environment. It responds to the requirements of the competition and it is mindful of the past of the city. The dialectic of memory and erasure

UBB worked alongside UAUIM in the 5th workshop “Curating Triplex Confinium. How to build up an exhibition”, offered for all of the students enrolled at the Kikinda summer school. This workshop intended to explore the making-of of the exhibition dedicated to the dissemination of the experiences from the Triplex Confinium project. In order to do that, the coordinators of the

”Expanding Natural Borders” belongs to that group of entries which placed their ideas in a wider context of the man-made, nature-reclaimed hybrid landscape of Jimbolia’s quarry lakes. Declaring the entire lake area as zone of their interventions, the project – almost alone among all competitors – paid attention also to the margins of the site, dealing with connectivity to the

The project entitled ‘Shifting Perception’ is an entry highly appreciated by the jury for its thoughtfulness, showing deep connection with the site. The project points out – and draws its concept on – the basic problematic of the current situation: people’s lack of deep relation and understanding of the site. Thus, states that a shift in perception is to be

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